Public Function create_product_bin(ByVal bin_name As String, _
ByVal site_id As String, _
ByVal bin_objid As Long, _
ByVal description As String, _
ByVal prim_supp As Long, _
ByVal sec_supp As Long, _
ByVal user_name As String, _
ByVal create_date As String) As Integer
This API allows you to create a product bin either at a site, or underneath another product bin. You must supply a (unique for the site) bin name, and the site at which the bin is created. If the bin is to be underneath another bin, you must supply the objid of the parent bin. If you supply no parent bin, the new bin is created at the site level. You may optionally also specify a description for the bin, as well as the objids for support employees. Finally you may specify who created the bin, and when they created it. The API returns the objid of the newly-created bin.
Parameter Name Required? Description
bin_name Yes Name of the bin to create
site_id Yes ID of the site at which the bin is created
bin_objid Yes Objid of the bin to install the new bin under. If the new bin is to be installed at the
site itself, set this argument to -1
description No Description of the bin
prim_supp No Objid of the primary support employee. Note this is an employee, not a user. If
you do not wish to supply a support employee, set this argument to -1
sec_supp No Objid of the secondary support employee. Note this is an employee, not a user. If
you do not wish to supply a support employee, set this argument to -1
user_name No Name of the user who created the bin. If blank, the current user is used
create_date No When was the bin created. If blank, the current date/time is used
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 The specified site could not be found
-2 A product bin with the specified bin name already exists at the specified site
-3 The specified parent bin cannot be found
-4 The specified parent bin was found, but is not located at the specified site
-5 Could not locate the specified primary support employee
-6 Could not locate the specified secondary support employee
-7 Could not locate the "Created" activity log string
-8 The specified user name could not be found
ret_objid Output Returns the objid of the new product bin
· Create a bin named "Hardware" at the site who has a site ID of "42". Add a description, and set up a primary support employee. "Kent" did the create at the current date/time
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
Dim bin_objid As Long
ret_int = fcinter.create_product_bin("Hardware", "42", -1, "Description here", _
268435457, -1, "kent", "")
If ret_int = 0 Then
bin_objid = fcinter.ret_objid
End If
var ret_int = fcinter.create_product_bin("Hardware", "42", -1, "Description here",
268435457, -1, "kent", "");
if (ret_int == 0){ var bin_objid = fcinter.ret_objid; }